A Detailed Look at My 2023 Fitness Data
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The following health and exercise data is from my Garmin watch for the year 2023. Throughout the year, I engaged in physical activities 358 times, covering a total distance of 1700 km, with a total exercise duration of 454 hours and 54 minutes—equivalent to 19 days.
This represents 454 hours of joy, focus, and relaxation!
Activities Type
- The numbers of activities in the gym, running, and water sports are similar
- From June to September, cycling (commuting), kayaking, and running were more frequent.

Activity Time & Distance
- Time spent on water sports (kayaking) significantly exceeded other activities, almost equal to the combined time of all other sports.
- In terms of months, activity time was lower in February 2023 and January 2024.

Training Status & VO2 Max
- Training status is distributed relatively evenly among maintaining (yellow), productive (green), and recovery (blue).
- Training load appears to be nearly 40% below the optimal range, with three instances exceeding the optimal range.
- VO2 Max showed a continuous increase throughout the year, starting at 50 in March, reaching 51 from April to July, and peaking at 52 from August to January.

Health & Fitness
Intensity Minutes
- Intensity minutes had only one week below the 150-min goal throughout the year, a significant improvement compared to the previous two years.
- Average weekly moderate, vigorous, and total intensity minutes all increased significantly compared to the past two years.

Resting Heart Rate
- Resting heart rate exhibited a downward trend over the past year, averaging 51 bpm compared to 52 bpm in 2022.

- The average daily step count for the past year was 8381, a further increase from 2022.
- A total of 3 million steps and 2200 km were covered throughout the year

The average stress level over the past year was 29, slightly lower than in 2022, indicating a somewhat reduced work-related pressure.
Peaks in stress during January, March (due to on-call work), September (related to two kayaking trips and moving from the Bay Area to Southern California, then staying with friends), and December (parents visiting the U.S.).

- Weekly average total calories for 2023 were 13,193, slightly higher than 2022.
- The increase in active calories and decrease in resting calories suggest a more active lifestyle.

- Average sleep duration over the past year was slightly over 8 hours.
- Sleep consistency is good, with an average bedtime of 11:55 pm and waking up at 8:11 am.
- Compared to 2022, average deep sleep increased by 12 minutes (20%), and average awake time decreased by 1 minute (20%).

Body Battery can only display data for four weeks at a time, so I won’t analyze it here.
Progress Summary
- In 2023, new outdoor activities such as cycling, trail running, and rock climbing were introduced, while swimming was relatively less frequent.

- A total of 358 activities were performed throughout the year, covering 1700 km in 454 hours and 54 minutes—equivalent to 19 days.

- Running: Similar frequency but a 25% increase in distance, mainly due to trail running.

- Cycling: Introduced in 2023, with a total of 36 hours spent on this outdoor activity.

Gym & Fitness Equipment
- Gym & Fitness Equipment: Frequency comparable to 2022, but a significant increase in time, partly due to rock climbing.

- Hiking: Both frequency and distance decreased, indicating less time spent hiking in the mountains.

- Kayaking: Significant increases in frequency, distance, and time, approximately double that of 2022.

2023 Goal Review
- Overall good completion of 2023 fitness goals.
- Kayaking: Exceeded frequency goal by 215%, and distance goal by 169%.
- Gym & Fitness: Achieved 73% of the frequency goal and 114% of the time goal.
- Running: Met 73% of the frequency goal and surpassed the distance goal by 114%.
- Hiking: Attained 59% of the frequency goal and accomplished 70% of the distance goal, falling short of the overall target.
- Cycling: Surpassed the frequency goal by 115%.

2024 Goal Setup
Based on 2023 goal completion and January 2024 activity, setting fitness goals for the entire year.

Personal Records
- Running personal records have been updated since getting the watch.
- Step records remained unchanged, mostly from before 2021.

Gear Usage