  1. 1. Activities
    1. 1.1. Activities Type
    2. 1.2. Activity Time & Distance
    3. 1.3.
    4. 1.4. Training Status & VO2 Max
  2. 2. Health & Fitness
    1. 2.1. Intensity Minutes
    2. 2.2. Resting Heart Rate
    3. 2.3. Steps
    4. 2.4. Stress
    5. 2.5. Calories
    6. 2.6. Sleep
  3. 3. Progress Summary
    1. 3.1. Running
    2. 3.2. Cycling
    3. 3.3.
    4. 3.4. Gym & Fitness Equipment
    5. 3.5. Hiking
    6. 3.6. Kayaking
  4. 4. Goals
    1. 4.1. 2023 Goal Review
    2. 4.2. 2024 Goal Setup
  5. 5. Personal Records
  6. 6. Gear Usage

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The following health and exercise data comes from my Garmin watch. Throughout 2023, I engaged in 358 exercise sessions, covering a total of 1700 km, with a total exercise duration of 454 hours and 54 minutes, equivalent to 19 days.

These are 454 hours of joy, focus, and relaxation!


Activities Type

  • Gym Activity, Running, Water Sports 运动类型
  • 6-9次运动(每周),包括力量训练,游泳等

Activity Time & Distance

  • 水上运动的总时长和距离,包含游泳和水上运动的相关数据
  • 2023年2月到2024年1月的运动数据

Training Status & VO2 Max

  • Training Status: Maintaining, Productive, Recovery, and other training statuses
  • Training Load is at 40% of the Optimal Range, with 3 weeks in the Optimal Range
  • VO2 Max has been fluctuating, currently at 50, with ranges of 51 and 52 in different periods

Health & Fitness

Intensity Minutes

  • Intensity Minutes have been recorded, with a total of 1 hour and 10 minutes, including 2 hours of moderate activity
  • Average Weekly Moderate, Vigorous, Total activity minutes

Resting Heart Rate

  • Average Resting Heart Rate has been recorded
  • Last year it was 51 bpm, compared to 52 bpm in 2022


  • Average Daily Steps recorded at 8381 steps, compared to 2022's average of 3000 steps
  • Total distance covered is 2200 km


  • Average Stress Level recorded at 29, compared to 2022's average
  • 1 hour of high stress recorded
  • 3 hours of moderate stress recorded
  • 9 hours of low stress recorded, including relaxation and leisure activities
  • 12 hours of low stress recorded, including leisure activities


  • Weekly Average Total Calories burned is 13193, compared to 2022's average of 200
  • Weekly Average Active Calories and Resting Calories


  • Average Sleep Duration is 8 hours per night
  • Sleep Consistency is good, with average sleep time at 11:55 pm and wake time at 8:11 am
  • Sleep Duration compared to 2022, with average deep sleep at 12 hours (20%), average awake time at 1 hour (20%)

Body Battery has been recorded at 4 hours of optimal energy, indicating good recovery

Progress Summary

  • 2023年运动情况,包含各项数据,显示出良好的运动习惯和健康状况

  • 2023年总运动358次,累计1700km,运动时长454小时54分钟,约19天时间


  • 2023年跑步次数较2022年增加了25%,主要是越野跑


  • 2023年骑行次数增加,较2022年增加了36次

Gym & Fitness Equipment

  • 2023年健身次数较2022年增加,显示出良好的健身习惯


  • 2023年徒步次数增加,显示出良好的户外活动习惯


  • 2023年皮划艇次数增加,较2022年增加了2次


2023 Goal Review

Goals achieved in 2023

  • Kayaking goal achieved at 215%, with overall fitness goal at 169%
  • Gym & Fitness goal achieved at 73%, with total fitness goal at 114%
  • Running goal achieved at 73%, with overall running goal at 114%
  • Hiking goal achieved at 59%, with overall hiking goal at 70%
  • Cycling goal achieved at 115%

2024 Goal Setup

Setting new goals for 2024 based on 2023's achievements

Personal Records

  • Personal bests achieved in various activities
  • Running personal bests recorded, with improvements noted since 2021

Gear Usage

  1. 1. Activities
    1. 1.1. Activities Type
    2. 1.2. Activity Time & Distance
    3. 1.3.
    4. 1.4. Training Status & VO2 Max
  2. 2. Health & Fitness
    1. 2.1. Intensity Minutes
    2. 2.2. Resting Heart Rate
    3. 2.3. Steps
    4. 2.4. Stress
    5. 2.5. Calories
    6. 2.6. Sleep
  3. 3. Progress Summary
    1. 3.1. Running
    2. 3.2. Cycling
    3. 3.3.
    4. 3.4. Gym & Fitness Equipment
    5. 3.5. Hiking
    6. 3.6. Kayaking
  4. 4. Goals
    1. 4.1. 2023 Goal Review
    2. 4.2. 2024 Goal Setup
  5. 5. Personal Records
  6. 6. Gear Usage